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Knockers of Santa Filomena

Vattient '

On the second Sunday of August, the rite of the Battenti is celebrated in honor of Santa Filomena in Mugnano del Cardinale with the participation of all devotees. This is one of the historical traits on the origin of the Mugnanese cult.

The "paranza chief" at the sound of the trumpet, directs and organizes the march according to a ritual that has only a few variations -
The head of the Paranza of the Battenti di Mugnano, to the sound of the handset and from the place of departure pronounces:





The Door of Santa Filomena dressed in white is distinguished by a red band that descends from the left shoulder and is knotted, wrapping the vine, on the right side. The embroidered and sparkling red band shows the symbols of martyrdom: the palm, the anchor, the lily and a PX.

The Knocker has an aggregative and associating force symbolized by a flag (the Pennone) which recalls a past of faith and hope and indicates the path of community and solidarity religiosity.


Each devotee rigorously beats his feet to the rhythm so that he is always on the move even if he does not move from his position. In his behavior, so the scholars analyze, there is a component of peasant culture. Everyone considers it as the " Fuiente " one who does not abandon himself to resignation and goes against hope.

​Pausa durante la marcia dei Battenti

Pause during the march of the Battenti

Photo by: @annalyciajoy

Preghiera durante la marcia  Foto di: @viewnotes

Prayer during the march

Photo by: @viewnotes

Cimitile (Na) seat of the catacombs that symbolize the martyrdom of Christianity, it was chosen as the starting point, in 1934, for a vow made by the door in a state of need, which takes him on foot to travel kilometers that separate him from the Sanctuary alternating sections of road running others walking without ever stopping. Often a child straddles the shoulders of the father or in the arms of the mother if suckling. Situations of unspeakable hardship. It is what comes only as long as the forces hold it up and pay homage to Santa Filomena to say thanks and leave the ex voto of an anonymous person who has enjoyed moments of happiness. More often, however, that bloody pilgrimage will end in a tearful prayer, the last anchor that precedes despair. Along the planned route, a crowd of villagers is required to search for the complex ritual phenomenon.

The Knocker has the unifying power and forms a group. Each group is essentially made up of an unspecified number of people: children, women and men.

The executives occupy the last places of the procession and show the distinctive sign of the Association: the banner, the flag full of colored cords with bows is held by as many boys / girls. Some groups organize, in papier-mâché or various materials, images of St. Filomena, or a canopy called “o tusell”. A colorful approval of the people manifested itself as he passed. A long pilgrimage and a theatrical and choreographic sequence that over time has accentuated elements attributable to social rather than religious relationships. From research carried out, the tradition of the door has its roots in the most exasperated forms of medieval mysticism. Already in the rules of St. Benedict the mortification of the flesh was foreseen as a means of expiation for sins or, more generally as a manifestation of ardent love for Jesus Crucified.

This form of cult, in southern Italy, spread above all in Calabria, Sicily and Campania, where it still persists with the name of Compagnia di Battuti or Battenti.

In one of the most original forms the processions of the Battenti took place during the Holy week; however, over time they have been associated with the cult of the Patrons or, more generally, with particular devotions.

As far as the Avellino area is concerned, more specifically, the best known events are ours, the “BATTENTI DI SANTA FILOMENA” in Mugnano del C. on 10 August and that of the “BATTENTI DI S. PELLEGRINO” in Altavilla Irpino on 24 August.

These events have several elements in common: The costume, the march.

Nicchia del Santuario  Foto di: @viewnotes

Sanctuary niche

Photo by: @viewnotes

Giubilo durante la fase finale della festa  Foto di: @associazionearia

Jubilation during the final phase of the party

Photo by: @associazionearia

​Pellegrini nella metà degli anni '50  Foto di: @cordarte

Pellegrini in the mid-1950s

Photo by: @cordarte

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